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"Qolda" emergency assistance program

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In April 2020, the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia in partnership with Chevron launched the first phase of the program - ”Qolda 1.0“ in the cities of Nur-Sultan and Almaty. The aim was to support public initiatives to minimize the negative impact of quarantine on the population. The first stage was implemented from April to August 2020. As a result of the selection, the initiatives of 11 NGOs and 7 media outlets received funding. Non-governmental organizations received grants to support medical workers; to provide humanitarian aid to families with many children, people with disabilities, migrants, drug addicts, as well as to provide consultative support for small businesses and to increase women employability.
The results of the first phase of the emergency assistance program were:
- An assistance was provided to 1,900 socially unprotected families;
- 2,300 lunches and dinners and 500 personal protective equipment were delivered to physicians of provisional clinics in Almaty and the Almaty region;
- 1,500 consultations were held for people with disabilities and people with drug addiction;
- 100 labor migrants received necessary support;
- 1,400 consultations were provided to small businesses;
- 300 individual business development plans were drafted;
- Grants allocated to the media were aimed at increasing quality content in the state language on the topic of COVID-19, along with informing the public about the measures taken by public organizations, the state, business and the population to combat COVID-19.
The second phase of the project - ”Qolda 2.0“ began in October 2020 and was aimed at supporting regional initiatives related to responding to the complications caused by the pandemic and improving the ability of civil society to respond effectively to emergencies.
The allocated funds were focused on the following projects:
- Prevention of domestic violence in rural areas;
- Development of long-term and online solutions for informing and supporting the population during emergencies in the regions, improving the ability of regional NGOs to respond to emergencies, developing volunteering in the regions;
- Support of existing online resources for civil society response to emergencies and the development of volunteering at the national level.
The second phase of the program lasted 8 months and supported initiatives in Shymkent and 14 regions of Kazakhstan. The initiatives of 12 NGOs from 9 regions were funded.
On July 19, 2021, the third stage of the program - “Qolda 3.0” was launched. The implementation of the program is aimed at promoting the ability of civil society to respond effectively to emergency situations and contribute to solving acute social problems. 16 regional NGOs from 14 regions of Kazakhstan became grant holders. The implementation of the projects is planned for 6 months, from August 2, 2021 to January 15, 2022. Among the winners there are new projects of regional NGOs, projects of national significance, projects that successfully continue their activities from the second phase - "Qolda 2.0".
The grant holders are the NGOs in 5 following areas of activity:
- Projects to support the population during emergencies:
- Pavlodar regional branch of the “Red Crescent Society in Kazakhstan” (Pavlodar region);
- Private entity "Educational-Advisory Centre Локо" (Aktobe);
- Association of legal entities "Association of Disabled People Ardos-Zhurek" (Petropavlovsk);
- Youth Public Association “Ulagat” (East Kazakhstan and Almaty regions)
- Projects for the prevention of domestic violence in rural regions:
- Fund "Verum Foundation" (10 regions of Kazakhstan);
- Public association "Zan talaby Legal Defence Centre" (Turkestan region);
- Public association "QazYmCenter" (Ust-Kamenogorsk)
- Projects on ecological education and ecological volunteering:
- Public association "Green Help" (Petropavlovsk);
- "Umai" Shelter for preschool children (Kyzylorda);
- Public Foundation “Family Centre” (Semei);
- Private entity "Новое Время" (Karaganda)
- Projects on reintegration of unemployed into the labor market, launching of micro- and nano businesses:
- Public Foundation "Beles-Zhetisu" (Almaty region);
- Public association "Golden Hearts" (Petropavlovsk)
- Advocacy projects:
- Public Foundation "You’re Not Alone" (Pavlodar);
- Public Foundation "Zhanuya Families Supporting Centre" (Almaty region);
- Public Foundation "Tandau Foundation" (Pavlodar).
Project page: https://qolda.org/
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"Qolda" emergency assistance program
The "Qolda" program is aimed at minimizing the negative impact of quarantine on the population through the involvement of civil society, improving the coordination of efforts of public and volunteer organizations, and raising public awareness through the media.
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