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Advancing the capacity of women rights NGOs Program

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This four-year program is aimed at promoting and protecting women’s rights in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
EFCA and FemAgora will train, coach and mentor women’s rights NGOs and initiative groups as they implement their flexible 4000 euro mini-grants. NGOs may use grants, inter alia, to become stronger feminist organization, mobilize volunteers, engage girls, discuss sexuality, support survivors, etc.
In the first year, we will invite Kazakhstan NGOs through an open call. After the pilot year, the updated program will be open to NGOs from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. We will provide 5 grants per year and expect that up to 20 NGOs each year will participate in online capacity building activities events. Participants may join the FemAgora’s expert database.
The program goal is that women rights NGOs are able to sustain their organization and human rights activities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (KZ, KG, TJ).
Project partner: FemAgora
Target groups: women’s rights NGOs and initiative groups from KZ, KG and TJ.
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
Expected outcomes:
1. Strengthened capacity of women’s rights organizations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan;
2. Women and girls, men and boys have access to information and services necessary to protect
women’s rights.
Project activities:
1.1. Online capacity building courses, mentorship and coaching as well as online networking events based on the needs of selected organizations
1.2 Open online guest lectures and workshops for CSOs working on women’s rights/human rights
2.1. Grants allocation amongst selected NGOs and initiative groups
2.2 Grant monitoring, program and technical assistance in implementing grants for supported NGOs and initiative groups
For more information, please contact:
Akmaral Karlybayeva, Project Manager
Phone: + 7 701 346 21 77
Email: akmaralk@ef-ca.org
Symbat Abisheva, Project Assistant
Phone: + 7 701 348 79 35
Email: symbat@ef-ca.org
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