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June 16, 2016
Social entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan and Russia share their experience
Members of the School of social entrepreneurship had a unique opportunity to learn the experience of social entrepreneurship in Russia. Vladimir Weiner, director of the Fund for media projects and social programs development “Gladway”, met with the NGO leaders after the School of social entrepreneurship training, held on June 6-10 in framework of the project "Initiative for the NGO expert Center sustainability".
Weiner has been actively involved in the activities of non-profit organizations since 1987 and is the curator of the first site of social advertising in Russia (www.1soc.ru). He is also one of the organizers of the Support Program for Social Initiatives "Social orbit" and the author of the first printed catalog "Russian Social Entrepreneurship".
The guest from Russia shared the practice of social entrepreneurship in his country. To make it clearer Weiner showed documentary "The business of life", which was prepared by the Fund for media projects and social programs development “Gladway” in order to promote social entrepreneurship.
The video showed development of the group of people in Russia, who use their capabilities to solve social problems and develop their regions. Participants of the School especially noticed the inspirational faces of social entrepreneurs and simple but effective solutions, which they suggest in their interviews.
Weiner noted that many of the top managers of commercial companies are choosing the path of social entrepreneurship using their competence to solve urgent social problems.
The speaker also told how to use modern technology for your own business. The newly created website for the sale of goods and services of social entrepreneurship buysocial.me can serve as an excellent example for social entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan.
Members of the School of social entrepreneurship in Almaty received new knowledge, which can be applied today. "Initiative for the NGO expert Center sustainability" is implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia with the support of "Chevron" company.