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June 3, 2016
NGO leaders are developing business plans
Almaty, Kazakhstan - June 6-10, Almaty. Second series of trainings for NGO leaders - members of the School of Social Entrepreneurship will be conducted.
In the first three days of training participants will learn how to write a business plan. Galym Zhukupbaev, who has more than 20 years of coaching experience, will provide basics and steps for writing a business plan. After completing the training NGO leaders will be able to write business plans for their projects, including marketing, manufacturing and financial plans, while having individual consultations with their coordinators. On the final day of the School participants will be able to visit the social enterprise in the city of Almaty.
Participants of the School for Social Entrepreneurship have already been to orientation training in ALMAU on May 4-6 at the Expert Centre for NGOs. They got acquainted with the program of study at the School, learned what social entrepreneurship is and what are the methods of search for business ideas and resources, and have begun to develop their business projects. According to the results of the survey, participants evaluate the training as an effective one.
"The level of organization of the training was very high. I already learned so much about social entrepreneurship at the first lesson, so that I do not understand how I had led a business without the necessary knowledge. I have been engaged in business for a long time, but after the training I realized that knew nothing about it", - says Gulvira Taubaldinova, NGO "Meyirim ", Taldykorgan.
Members of the School are 15 NGO leaders from Almaty, Almaty region and SKR, which underwent a rigorous selection. The competition for participation in the School of Social Entrepreneurship was held from 4 to 20 April 2016. Education in the School is planned for 9 months.
The School for Social Entrepreneurship was established by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia on the basis of the NGO Expert Center within the project "Initiative for Sustainability of the NGO Expert Center", implemented with the support of "Chevron". The School is aimed at learning the basics of social entrepreneurship and development of the capacity of NGOs to engage in social entrepreneurship.
Trainings are held in Kazakh and Russian languages. Each participant of the School has personal coordinator, who advises him on all matters necessary for the development of organizational capacity and social entrepreneurship.
The "Initiative for Sustainability of the NGO Expert Center" aims at improving the financial stability of the Center, as well as the development of social entrepreneurship among NGOs that have the capacity and motivation for learning.
For further information please contact Bahytnur Otarbayeva, director of the NGO Expert Center: tel. (727) 3022302, bakhytnur@mail.ru; or Zhazira Zhүnіsova, EFCA Project Assistant: zhazira@ef-ca.org, tel. (727) 250-18-10, ext.134.