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May 29, 2020
Qolda emergency assistance project
As part of the Qolda emergency assistance project, NGOs in Nur-Sultan continued implementation of their initiatives.
Volunteers from Association of Legal Entities “National Volunteer Network” collected and delivered 62 food baskets. Procurement of sweatshirts for volunteers and motor transport volunteers has been scheduled during that period.
On May 18-22, Public Fund “Shag v Budushcheye” delivered children's items that had been purchased from Kids Moda. Eight kids of outreach employees received their deliveries. Three more kids are going to get their items in the short run.
Public Fund “Charity Fund Pomoshch Nuzhdayushchimsya” put together and delivered food baskets for 45 families. Their plans include helping 50 families more. The campaign covered single mothers left with no means of support, as well as families with challenged kids who needed food.
Representatives from Public Association of Challenged People “Center Nezavisimaya Zhizn Dos” distributed food baskets to 8 families with challenged members. Alongside with food, the organizers also gave their business cards so that people with muscle-skeleton disorders and those with Disability Group I could at any time seek assistance. The Center’s representatives will also be calling 2 families per day to provide consultation on matters of concern.
Public Fund “QAREKET Zhaqsylyq Zhasa” procured seeds and seedlings to be distributed amongst those in need. They are also working to form a group of women for online cooking skills training. Last week, representatives from the Public Fund posted the activities performed in a social network.
“It’s awesome that bigger companies and funds keep track of those in highly charged situations! We have procured grocery baskets for families in desperate need, and our volunteers have distributed them directly. We also support veterans and homefront workers to provide them with hearing aids and medications”. - “National Volunteer Network”
As part of the Qolda emergency assistance project, five Almaty-based NGOs performed their scheduled activities last week.
Public Fund “Rodnik” provided 9 food bundles and personal-care items to citizens of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan living in need in Almaty. A total of 100 humanitarian aid bundles were delivered to citizens of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan during the campaign.
A webinar on government support for businesses in the post-quarantine period was offered by the Kazakhstan Association of Family-Run Business under its project “Skoraya Pomoshch” (“Urgent Care”). A total of 82 businesses in Almaty Oblast were informed on the opportunity of receiving government support for business development. Besides, specialists provided 104 consultations to SMEs. According to the organizers, government support is under current conditions one of the few ways to develop business. However, the very procedures of gaining support from the government pose a challenge for many businesses, which explains why so few of them seek government support.
“ITeachMe” Competency Development Center provides distance psychological counseling and advice to people under its “Ty Ne Odin!” (“You Are Not Alone!”) project. On the International Child Protection Day, June 1, volunteers plan to congratulate 30 families that raise disabled kids and present gifts to kids.
The “Aq Jurek” project implemented by Public Fund “Tauasar Fund” continues to serve hot meals for health care workers at quarantine and provisional clinics in Almaty. On May 11- 17, a total of 1,078 lunches and dinners were served using the funds raised under Qolda project at three clinics: Zhekenova Municipal Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases, Kazakhstan Health Resort, and Central Municipal Clinical Hospital.
“Under the Aq Jurek initiative, we wanted to support health care workers who risk their health and that of their families. Hot meals and personal protection equipment turned out to be critically needed. We have been commended a lot. We are happy to see the Almaty residents’ commitment to volunteering and charity, and we wish the other regions, too, followed our lead”. - “Tauasar”