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Новости проекта
Coca-Cola: Support for Schools in Kazakhstan’s Regions Continues
The community of Arshaly, Akmola Oblast recently hosted sports festival “3-2-1-START!” The event marked the launch of a pilot program of the same
"3. 2. 1. START!"

Общая информация о проекте
Project Justification:
Project Justification:
The project was launched based on the results of research, “Healthy and Active Life Styles among Children and Adolescents in Almaty and Akmola Oblasts”, conducted by EFCA in 2014. Research was conducted in two regions (Arshaly region in Akmola Oblast, Aksu region in Almaty Oblast). Respondents included school administrators, physical education teachers, NGO representatives, akims, specialists from the Departments of Sports and Tourism, Education, and Youth Policy, and local children.
Key Research Findings:
Limited access to sports equipment and material resources in rural schools in Kazakhstan, including infrastructure problems, contributes to a low level of motivation among rural children and youth to lead active and healthy lifestyles, and engage in sports and active recreational activities.
Project Goal:
Increase the level of satisfaction and motivation among rural children and youth to engage in sports and healthy lifestyles.
Project Objectives:
- Increase the quality of school-based and extracurricular sports services and activities.
- Increased involvement of the local population in the development of sports within the community.
Project Activities:
- Hold a round table event (presentation of the pilot project, trainings on fundraising and project management, quantitative evaluation of beneficiaries);
- Hold a competition for the best project ideas among teachers of physical education;
- Conduct trainings on innovative teaching techniques and methodologies;
- Award grants which include purchase of equipment and resource materials;
- Hold a final festival to promote healthy and active lifestyles.
Anticipated Short-term Results
- Improved equipment and material resources at schools, allowing for introduction of new types of sports.
- Improved capacity of physical education teachers to use innovative methods for teaching sports.
- Large-scale sports festival held at the district level.
- Improved perception and greater understanding among community members of the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle.
Anticipated Long-term Results:
- Improved quality of sports activities and lessons provided by schools and extracurricular instructors.
- Regular use of new and innovative teaching methods by teachers of physical education.
- Increased number of sports champions representing target districts at oblast-level competitions.
- Improved status of physical education teachers in the community.
- Improved perception and greater understanding among families of the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle.
- Increased level of satisfaction among rural children and youth in the physical education and sports activities available in the community.
Project in mass media:
- "Coca-Cola Almaty Bottlers вовлекает в спорт сельскую молодежь", Forbes, 31 марта 2015 года
- "В Акмолинской области компания «Coca-Cola Алматы Ботлерс» финансирует проект по развитию массового спорта в школах", Kazinform, 1 апреля 2015 года
- "Большая перемена", Интернет-журнал "Vласть", от 24 июля 2015 года
- "3.2.1. - СТАРТ!" набирает обороты, газета "Акмолинская правда", от 15 августа 2015 №95 (19168)
- "Урок для учителя", Интернет-журнал "Vласть", от 1 сентября 2015 года
- "Школа выживания. Финансирование сельских школ", Интернет-журнал "Vласть", от 22 сентября 2015 года
- "Coca-Сola: помощь районным школам Казахстана продолжится", Интернет-журнал "Vласть", от 12 октября 2015 года
For additional information, please contact:
- Project Manager: Andrey Bachishe, EFCA Project Specialist, tel.: +7 (727) 250 18 10, ext. 105, mob.: +7 777 525 74 63, e-mail: andrey@ef-ca.org
- Donor Representative: Alima Issembayeva, Public Affairs and Corporate Communications Manager , tel.: +7 (727) 250 93 19, ext. 1290, e-mail: alima.issembayeva@cci.com.kz
Доноры и партнеры проекта

Ресурсы и файлы проекта

Оценка потребностей в сфере ЗОЖ
Исследование на тему_Здоровый и активный образ жизни среди детей и молодежи в Акмолинской и Алматинской областях_(2014 г. ФЕЦА)

География проекта
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"3. 2. 1. START!"
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