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June 2, 2016
"Reboot" of NGOs for financial stability
May 4-6, in Almaty an orientation workshop for NGO leaders is held, who are members of the School of Social Entrepreneurship.
Business coaches Galym Zhukupbaev and Malik Musabaev will teach in two groups, in Kazakh and Russian languages. 15 NGO leaders will learn about social entrepreneurship and methods of search for business ideas and resources, they will become familiar with the curriculum of the School of Social Entrepreneurship. On the third day participants of the training will form groups and under the guidance of EFCA managers will begin to develop their business projects.
The School of Social Entrepreneurship was established by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia on the basis of the NGO Expert Center within the project "Initiative for Sustainability of the NGO Expert Center" implemented with the support of "Chevron". The school is aimed at teaching the basics of social entrepreneurship and development of the capacity of NGOs to engage in social entrepreneurship.
Project participants will receive not only theoretical knowledge in Kazakh and Russian languages, but also practical tasks. Each participant of the School will be assigned to a coordinator, who will advise in writing of the strategic and business plan, as well as on all matters necessary for the development of organizational capacity and social entrepreneurship.
"I really wanted to get into this project and I hope to get specific knowledge on the development of social entrepreneurship, as well as to understand how the potential of my organization can allow us to engage in social entrepreneurship", - says the training participant in the Zoya Seytbekova, NGO "Intelligence", Shymkent.
Members of the school are 15 NGO leaders of Almaty and Almaty region, who passed a rigorous screening and interview. The competition for participation in the School of Social Entrepreneurship was held from 4 to 20 April 2016. The School is designed for 9 months.
The "Initiative for Sustainability of the NGO Expert Center" is aimed at improving the financial stability of the Center, as well as the development of social entrepreneurship among NGOs that have the capacity and motivation for learning.