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Development of Corporate Social Responsibility
- Youth and Education
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- Support for Vulnerable Groups
- Development of Corporate Social Responsibility

Promoting the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and protecting rights of children in Mangystau region

Общая информация о проекте
Project Goal: Develop a basis for collaboration between key stakeholders of CSR activities on protecting children’s rights in Mangystau region
Project objectives:
- Identify measures to develop a dialogue between large companies, municipalities and local communities in CSR activities, including children’s rights protection in Magystau;
- Equip each group with a proper knowledge and tools in CSR principles with a focus on the children’s rights.
The main audience of the project:
Top managers and specialists of companies that deal with public relations (PR), human resources (HR), ecology and government relation (GR) and other company employees that are responsible for the realization of CSR.
Representatives of a trade union, republican and sector associations.
Representatives of central and local public authorities, experts, and analysts.
Representatives of civil sector.
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Promoting the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and protecting rights of children in Mangystau region
ПодробнееProject on the “Publication of the first Kazakhstan Industry-based Business Handbook fo Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan”
The CSR business handbook was developed in the broader context of a number of a key strategies and initiatives adopted by the Republic of Kazakhstan over the last decade.