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December 2, 2015
Young Student from Kuryk Wins National Festival “Tuadi Yerler – Yel Ushin”
Student from School No. 6 in the Kuryk community of Mangistau oblast won first place at the XV Republican Reading of Abay at the first Republican festival “Zhyrshi: Storytellers of the Kazakh Heroic Epic Tuadi Yerler – Yel Ushin”, held in honor of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.
A national reading of Abay was held among school students from across Kazakhstan in the city of Semipalatinsk from September 9-11. First place was awarded to Asar Dogdirbayev, student from class 6A at School No. 6 in the Kuryk community, studying under teacher Balganym Zhumazhanova.
Asar is winner of the oblast level storytelling competition in Aktau. As winner of the regional competition, he was invited to compete in the XV Republican Reading of Abai in Semipalatinsk, where he won first place.
Asar participated in nearly all creative competitions organized as part of EFCA’s project to improve school education in the Kuryk community. According to teacher Balganym Zhamazhanova, “Asar was able to achieve this success because of his perseverance and active participation in previous competitions held as part of the initiative.”
The “School Education Development Program in Kuryk”, funded through the support of ERSAI, aims to improve the quality of education in the schools and college in the Kuryk community through the organization of professional development opportunities for teachers, involvement of parents into school activities, and the promotion of creative thinking, leadership skills, and motivation for learning among students.