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June 4, 2015
ERSAI Wins AmCham Recognition
ERSAI’s “School Education Development Program in Kuryk” was one of 12 projects recognized in the annual “Community Service Award (Small Company/NGO)” competition held by the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham).
The “School Education Development Program in Kuryk” is part of the Youth & Education project portfolio implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia. Since its launch in December 2012, the program in Kuryk has contributed to the increased quality of teaching and learning processes in four schools and one college in the Kuryk community in Mangistau oblast. The project included a series of professional development trainings and seminars for education administrators and teachers at schools and colleges, school-based activities and events designed to motivate students to engage in active learning, and activities designed to promote improved partnerships between educational institutions. The program was made possible through support from partner company ERSAI.
The program was one of 65 social investment projects nominated for the 2015 Achievement Awards of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan. The awards ceremony was held by the American Chamber of Commerce on May 30, 2015 at the Rixos Astana Hotel.
The AmCham Achievement Awards ceremony is an annual event which honors the accomplishments of AmCham member organizations and individuals in a variety of spheres. According to the organization’s website, www.amcham.kz, the 2015 awards recognized achievement in leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, environmental stewardship, public health, community activities, education, and cultural contributions. Nominations were received by an AmCham selection committee comprised of three independent chamber members representing large and small businesses from multiple industries, diverse geographical regions of Kazakhstan, and gender and language balance. A new selection committee is formed each year and its decisions are confidential until the official ceremony.