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July 5, 2018
Webinar on emotional intelligence in social entrepreneurship
The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) and the NGO Expert Center under Almaty Management University invite you to participate in a webinar on emotional intelligence in social entrepreneurship as part of the NGO Expert Capacity Building Initiative, implemented with the support of Chevron in Kazakhstan.
The training will be conducted online using the webinar site of the NGO Expert Center.
Dates of the webinar: February 22-23, from 16.00 - 18.00 (Astana time).
What is the webinar?: Social entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurial activity, the purpose of which is to solve or mitigate social problems.
If you are planning to engage in social entrepreneurship but are stopped by fears and insecurities that you will be unable to establish contacts with business partners, build a professional team, or succeed more generally, it is important to note that success lies not only in communication skills, but also in emotional intelligence (EQ).
Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person to recognize emotions, understand the intentions, motivations, and desires of other people (in addition to their own), and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of other people, in order to solve practical problems.
Modern research has shown that knowledge alone (IQ) is not enough for a successful entrepreneur. Statistics show that among the surveyed successful managers, 80% have a high EQ and only the remaining 20% have a high IQ.
The following topics will be discussed in the webinar:
- the basic principles of EQ;
- ways and methods to develop EQ; and
- examples of effective use of EQ in practice.
Who can participate: representatives of NGOs with an interest in social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurs.
How the training will take place: individual and group work, question and answer sessions, and presentations.
The webinar will be conducted in Russian.
In order to participate in the webinar, you must fill out and send in a form before February 19: a.kuanysheva@almau.edu.kz, (copy zhazira@ef-ca.org).
For more information, contact Ainur Kuanysheva, coordinator of the NGO Expert Center (AlmaU) at the following e-mail address: a.kuanysheva@almau.edu.kz, 8 (727) 3132394 (ext 556), as well as Zhazira Zhunisova, EFCA Project Assistant, at the following email address: zhazira@ef-ca.org, tel: 8 (727) 2501810. (ext.134).