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July 5, 2018
We invite you to our "Fundraising Marketing" webinar
We invite representatives of NGOs, social entrepreneurs, and small businesses to participate in our "Fundraising Marketing" marketing.
Dates of the webinar: March 14-15 from 4 pm to 6 pm (Astana time).
The webinar is organized by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) and the NGO Expert Center at Almaty Management University as part of the NGO Expert Capacity Building Initiative implemented with the support of Chevron in Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the webinar: to present the concept and tools of fundraising marketing.
By participating in the webinar, you will:
- Learn about the concept, strategy, and marketing of fundraising;
- Learn to classify donors;
- Understand how to work with government agencies, businesses, and grantors; and
- Become acquainted with the techniques of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.
Fundraising is the process of raising funds and other resources (human, material, information, etc.) that an organization cannot independently provide, but are necessary for the implementation of a particular project or for the organization’s activities as a whole. It is widely known that no single non-profit organization will be able to implement its socially significant projects without additional funds.
Effective non-commercial marketing is achieved through the formation of a means of communication in both the real and virtual worlds which relies on an advanced system of business partnership. In this regard, it is especially important to have the right knowledge and skills of fundraising marketing.
Coach: Galym Zhukupbaev, business coach, consultant, a specialist in project management and innovation management. He has conducted a series of trainings for UNDP, ACDI VOCA, ABA, ISAR, KazTransOil, Enterprise Support Fund, and the Damu Foundation.
The webinar will take place in Russian.
To participate in the webinar, you must fill out a questionnaire and send it to a.kuanysheva@almau.edu.kz (copy zhazira@ef-ca.org) by March 13, 18:00 Astana time
For more information, please contact Ainur Kuanysheva, coordinator of the NGO Expert Center (AlmaU) at the following e-mail address: a.kuanysheva@almau.edu.kz, 8 (727) 3132394 (ext 556), or Zhazira Zhunisova, EFCA Project Assistant at the following address: zhazira@ef-ca.org, Tel: 8 (727) 2501810. (ext.134)