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June 4, 2018
Villagers are improving their financial literacy
12-14 march 2018 in Kuryk village (Mangistau region, Karakyan district) a training on financial literacy is held. Training is conducted in a focus of project “Developing entrepreneurship potential in Kuryk village” by Eurasian Foundation of Central Asia with th financial support from ERSAI company.
Training is carried out by Ahmetbek Hursyla, who is a practicing business trainer, and a founder of “Starting Business” entrepreneurship school. In the focus of training is the basics of financial literacy (planning and maintenance of family budget, process of products and services pricing in market,credit system and her risks, optimization of current expenses and planning: in a short and long terms).
More than 100 villagers from Kuryk village, Aktau city, Zhanaozen, Zhetibay village will be able to raise awareness on financial tools and planning methods, get to know about methods on using new technologies and innovations in region with respect to regions where economic sectors are prioritizing and analyze existing products/services in sphere of finances.
Project on “Developing entrepreneurship in Kuryk village” is aimed to raise the level of involvement of Kuryk village people in activities that bring profit and raises level of self-employment, and also expands access to financial and non-financial support to entrepreneurs and start-ups.