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August 14, 2017
Government and NGOs to enhance collaboration
USAID project “Good Governance Initiative Fund”, realized by the Corporate Foundation “Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia”, will host on August 16-18, 2017 in Almaty oblast (city of Kapchagay) workshop “Enhancing collaboration between government and NGO”.
Event co-organizers: Public Organization “Center for civil initiative” with support of grant operator “Civil initiatives support center”.
Goal is to improve mechanisms of effective collaboration between institutes of civil society and public authorities.
Workshop is organized within the GGIF project component “Capacity building”. Thus, GGIF and “Center for civil initiative” will bring together NGOs and state officials from Almaty city and South Kazakhstan. Apart from that NGOs, operating within GGIF project in Kazakhstan, will bring one representative from public authorities - project partners.
Director of «Civil Aliance of Kazakhstan» Tuzelbayev Gamaland representative from Ministry of religion and civil society of Kazakhstan Sultanova Gulbara will take part in the workshop. Makovetskaya Svetlana, Director of the Center for civil analysis and independent research, Russia, is an invited expert.
NGOs and public authorities will exchange experience on effective forms of collaboration with the aim to increase the quality of public services.
Workshop will touch on the following issues: transfer of some state functions and social services to NGO; local self-governance in Kazakhstan; role of public councils.
Panel discussions will be held within the GGIF project.