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May 19, 2017
USAID project hosted in Almaty a workshop on integration of special social services
Social Corporate Foundation ZUBR hosted on May,17 in Almaty a workshop "Integrated special social services model - experience replication". The event was initiated within the frames of USAID project “Good Governance Initiative Fund” implemented by Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia.
The goal of the workshop is to develop common approaches to further integration of special social services (ISSS) provided in the field of education, healthcare, social protection, and internal affairs.
During the workshop, interim results of the development and testing of the pilot model of ISSS (schemes, algorithms, regulatory legal analysis, and success stories) were presented and discussed. A discussion was organized to develop a unified system of indicators for assessing the quality of SSSs. Proposals have been developed for the implementation of the Standard for the ISSS provision; as well as possibilities and risks of further introduction of ISSS. In addition, specialists from interdepartmental groups of pilot cities and districts of the Republic of Kazakhstan were able to share their experience and give practical recommendations developed during the approbation of ISSS.
“We have to look for additional resources and continue this work on national level. We need to protect what we have already achieved. Hopefully this project will be backed up and we’ll have the results to be proud of”, - says Vitaliy Kulik, Director of the SKF “ZUBR”.
During the workshop 5 guidebooks on providing of ISSS were presented. According to “ZUBR” specialist Eugeniya Shreider, “two additional guidebooks are in the process of development”.
As it was mentioned in the press announcement to the workshop, according to the law, 11 categories of persons and families in difficult life circumstances have the right to receive SSSs; among them are children, disabled persons, and ex-convicts. Work with these categories is conducted not only by social protection institutions, but also by educational, healthcare, and law enforcement agencies.
Today every sphere operates according to its own rules, and the client has to visit many institutions to obtain the services he/she needs. Unfortunately, the ever-expanding network of institutions, professionals, increased funding - still does not significantly increase social welfare of the people in need. The number of suicides, disadvantages families, and the number of those who for various reasons cannot escape difficult life circumstances are not decreasing.
Thanks to the introduction of integrated model, access to the full range of guaranteed social services and benefits will be ensured through the "one-stop" principle. Integration brings together professionals from different spheres around the situation of a particular person/family. This approach enables people who find themselves in a difficult life circumstances to receive assistance and services in a short time without the unnecessary bureaucratic barriers.