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European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan
Qolda emergency assistance project
Qolda emergency assistance project
February 23, 2017
USAID Regional meeting to launch a new component of GGIF project was held in Almaty
Аlmaty, Kazakhstan – February 23, 2017. Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) under financial support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) hosted on February 20-23, 2017 in Almaty Regional meeting to launch a new component of the project «Good Governance Initiative Fund», realized both in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
The aim is to initiate the dialogue between participants to work out the plan on building of organization capacity, and to teach grantees visually and graphically demonstrate project achievements and results in order to arouse interest to the problem on the part of society, government and potential donors.
More than twenty NGOs from Kazakhstan and Tajikistan learned how to apply 6 rules of creating visual text slides, how to use metaphors and fables for visualization of information, and how to speak the language of visual communication (physiology and specifics of visual perception, neuromarketing, gestalt).
«Training on infographics and data visualization, conducted by the expert from Russia Ivan Pechischev, was interesting and useful for public organizations, business and donors. Main focus for public organizations is to make report for beneficiaries. An annual report, as a rule, consists minimum of 20-25 pages, therefore it requires a lot of time to read it. The way out is to create report with the help of graphics, diagrams. Report for donors should demonstrate the whole process», - commented Shukhrat Latipov, Public organization «Tajikistanian network of women, living with HIV».
Trainer Timur Khodzhayev said that participants of his training will be able to apply new skills in practice.
«Group is highly motivated. To my mind, each of them will successfully apply acquired knowledge and skills in practice in order to attract potential donors for their projects. I tried to explain the specifics of visualization with simply language, starting with anatomy and physiology of perception of visual image», - said Timur Khodzhayev.
Simultaneously with trainings an expert from Armenia Anush Begloyan held 30-minute individual interviews with the heads of grant projects to evaluate the effectiveness of advocacy project component. Interviews helped to determine the needs and NGO’s potential from the point of view of organization sustainability and development as well as ability to reach a long-term vision in the frames of grants. Experts collected and analyzed grantees ideas and opinions to define the most suitable and comfortable methods and tools for capacity building.
For any additional information contact us: 250 18 10 (ext.112) or +7 701 767 6113