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Training on financial sustainability of human rights NGOs
26-28 September 2016. Almaty hosted a training on "sustainable development of NGOs: marketing and fundraising" and a masterclass on “The development of the strategic plan of the organization.”
The event was opened by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Dirk Jan Kopp.
"Since the beginning of this year, the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands has been implementing a project on sustainable development of NGOs in two aspects: financial and organizational sustainability. Increasing the financial independence of NGOs is very important in the context of reducing donor assistance," said Dirk Jan COP. "At present, the understanding of the need to find innovative solutions and approaches to solving human rights issues and social issues is becoming more and more evident, as usual approaches do not produce tangible results."
During the training, participants learned about marketing for NGOs, reviewed the features of corporate fundraising, were diagnosed with the strategic planning of their organizations, learned how to set strategic goals and objectives.
The trainers were Berik Bizhan, business coach, associate Professor, President of the RAMM and Irina Naidenova, an expert on organizational development, project management, and fundraising EFCA.
Participants of the training are legal NGOs from all regions of Kazakhstan, who want to strengthen their sustainability and look for effective ways of financial development.
"In my opinion, NGOs have some expertise, which can also be sold and the proceeds to engage in direct activities in accordance with the mission of the organization", - said Irina Buchinskaya, coordinator for political Affairs and projects of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
"In the first stage of training, participants learned about the various tools for determining the sustainability of the organization and the stages of development. These tools allowed everyone to take a fresh look at the development of their NGO, - said Alma Sholpankulova, Project Manager. "The project participants are already working on their business ideas for the development of social entrepreneurship, as in the current crisis conditions of socio-economic development of the country, funding of the non-governmental sector at the expense of local budgets, unfortunately, is reduced."
The training is conducted within the framework of the initiative for the sustainable development of human rights NGOs, implemented by Eurasia Central Foundation with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kazakhstan and aimed at sustainable development of legal NGOs.