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Training camp unites high school students
Training camp unites high school students
22-26th of March 2018, in a Kuryk village Mangystau region training camp was set up for 10th grade school students.
Over 100 school students participated in a training, including kids that live near Yeraly station and Appak village. Camp was coordinated in a focus of a program “Learn together!” with a support from ERSAI Contractor LLC. The experts from EFCA and Republican center of youth development “New Generation” acted as coordinators and trainers of the event.
To unite students together from different schools for a harmonized growth of village remains to be the main goal of the camp. Camp combines both entertaining and teaching aspects together. Program of the camp compliments the school program with knowledge and skills that schools don’t have time to give to children: leadership, team work, creative thinking, public speech, project management, overcoming fears and inner psychological barriers, ceasing both physical and psychological violence between peers.
Volunteers from 9th and 10th grades helped organizers, that participated the camp Earlier in 2017 year.
In the camp this time worked psychologists that are going through an intensive learning right now. Refresher courses will help psychologists to work with teachers, students and their parents more effectively on the questions of self-actualization and career guidance, it will also help them more openly talk with difficult school students and prevention of suicides and etc. Psychologists went through master-class and told their stories. School students learned what is a psychological practice, and now students know that psychologists can help them manage difficult life situation and they know where they may go to ask for help.
At the camp participants made a “Good deeds program”, acknowledging the actions and acts, which they will do for the growth of their village and help to the people in need.
“Everything went as great as it is possible. Games, meetings, discussions- everything was interesting. Meeting with psychologists went very fascinating. We would cry one day and laugh the next day. We had many different emotions. Work in groups went amazingly, with it we were able to understand the importance of the team-work. We were taught organization and coherence. Such camp is always needed, you can learn many interesting and helpful things.” Told us Aimira Sagyndyk, school student of school №6, 10th grade.
During these days I received a lot of useful information and I met many a lot of new people. I liked the group games, through which we were able to understand that the not the individual victory, but the victory of the tam is the most important thing. Also, I liked how we talked to each other so openly. Without concerns, after this camp all the participants’ life perspectives will change. I liked everything, the only thing I wish is that this camp lasted a bit longer… This camp left a lot of unforgettable impressions to every one of us. It is right here, where you can teach the growing generation to persistence, unity, cohesion, honesty, leadership, positive thinking and many other great qualities. I’d happy if such camps were organized in other villages and regions. I don’t regret for participating in this camp.” Added to the commentary Nesybelly Kaldybay, a school student of school-gymnasium, 10th grade.
“I liked everything in this camp: games, trainings and many other. It is here, where I acquired many new friends and learned to easily talk to people. This camp brings a lot of positive aid to teens. “shared with us Sayat Sisengalyev, a school student of school №6, 10th grade.
“Camp went just awesomely. I liked tram-work and to speak in front of a public. Camps like this are needed, because here we are able to learn cohesion, mutual understanding, patience and many other useful skills said Zhiger Karmysova, school student of school №1, 10th grade.
In the beginning of the next study year it is planned to organize such camp for the 9th grades students.