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Qolda emergency assistance project
Qolda emergency assistance project
July 9, 2018
The village of Kuryk will host a series of master-classes for residents
On May 12-16, 2018 in the village of Kuryk (Mangystau region, Karakia district), there will be a series of master classes on requested topics: cooking, make-up, hairstyles, needlework, and Internet marketing. These are the most interesting and promising topics from the villagers' point of view. The aim of the master classes is to train the residents in promising professions for the development of their business in the village of Kuryk.
About 30 villagers will participate in each master class, so the event will cover about 120-150 people. Master classes are held as part of the project on the "Development of entrepreneurial potential in the village of Kuryk" carried out by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia with the financial support of ERSAI Caspian Contractor.
Location: village of Kuryk, Karakiyansky professional college, 217 Microdistrict 2 St. (library). Master classes will be conducted by practitioners in each area.
The individual approach to each participant in the class will increase their motivation and cognitive interest, and will also help develop self-organization skills, which, in the future, will lead to the opening of villagers' own businesses.
For all additional questions, please contact Kadim Sabybekova, EFCA Project Assistant by phone: +7 (727) 250 18 10, mob .: +7 701 841 63 93, or by e-mail: ademi@ef-ca.org