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The results of the social project "Growing together" were presented
The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia presented the results of the social project "Growing together" at the round table "Development of pre-school education in Kazakhstan", held in the framework of the forum "Education of the future" on October 26-27, 2017 in Almaty.
Manager EFCA Azhar Nurbay told about the project implemented by EFCA in Mangistau region.
The program "Growing together!" is being implemented since 2013 and is aimed at improving the quality of pre-school education in Kuryk village. The main objectives of the program are to improve the skills of teachers to meet the needs of children in development, training of children through life skills training, the use of humanistic approaches and effective methods for the development of children, the involvement of parents in the educational process, ensuring the continuity of kindergartens and primary schools, the dissemination of knowledge by local experts in the Mangystau region. The program covers 7 kindergartens of the village, which opened 9 groups of Step by Step and 5 offices of Montessori.
Participants of the roundtable were pleased to learn that there is an organization in the country that promotes modern approaches of education in rural areas and expressed the desire that this initiative was continued and replicated in other regions of Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the forum was the discussion of prospects of development of the education sector with all key organizations and experts taking into account the State program of development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2016-2019 and messages of the President of RK to people of Kazakhstan dated January 31, 2017. The forum gathered more than hundred representatives of educational institutions, government agencies, innovators, investors, education providers and experts in the field of education.
The event was organized by the Lincoln Conferences team.