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The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia announces a grant competition within the second cycle of the Initiative to Support Good Governance with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
On the Initiative to Support Good Governance
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has allocated funds for the grant program under the Initiative to Support Good Governance in Kazakhstan. The project covers all 14 oblasts of the republic. The project is being implemented by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA). The project is a multi-phase grant program for non-profit organizations and is based on identifying and expanding innovative approaches to promote initiatives for effective management.
Objective of the project:
Promotion of initiatives in the field of institutional effective public administration through the promotion of systematic interaction between civil society organizations and government bodies will lead to the long-term improvement of specific public services, elements of the legal framework, policies, mechanisms, and processes of public administration.
In the second cycle of the project, special attention will be paid to:
- achievement of effective public administration in any sphere (of the applicant’s choice);
- achievement of effective public administration in the healthcare sphere; and
- achievement of effective public administration in the sphere of solving the problems of people with disabilities;
Objectives of the project:
Improving the quality of public services provided to the population;
The formation and implementation of social/economic policies;
The improvement of legislation, processes, and mechanisms through the close interaction and effective partnership of three sectors of society: the state, civil sector, and business.
Stages of the contest
The first stage: evaluation of project ideas/concepts.
In order to save the time and efforts of applicants, instead of writing complex project applications, the organizer of the competition announce a contest of project ideas/concepts at the initial stage. The applicant will need to submit their conceptual ideas for projects on pages 1-4 strictly in the form provided on the sites www.ef-ca.kz and www.ngoexpert.kz or e-mail them to konkurs@ef-ca.org.
The concept is the main summarized idea of the project, which contains goals and objectives, expected short-term results in the first phase, and prospects for further elaboration in the second phase (See Appendix 1).
A successful concept should be distinguished by its relevance, innovation, and prospects, but in this case, the application will be allowed to write a detailed competitive application only in the 2nd qualifying stage. In case of an incomplete application/concept/bid, the EFCA will consider it as non-compliant with the requirements of the tender documentation, and reserves the right to prevent further consideration by the independent Grant Committee. All received concepts will be registered by EFCA and later evaluated by members of the independent Grant Committee.
Second stage: Consideration of detailed applications for the implementation of "small" projects
Participants presenting the best concepts will be invited to write a detailed application for the implementation of innovative "small" projects on three different themes:
-problems for people with disabilities;
-problems in healthcare; and
-other topics (with the exception of the healthcare sector and the sphere of work with people with disabilities).
The winners who won the competition among the detailed applications will receive financing for a period of 8 months in the amount of up to 15,000 US dollars.
Third stage: Scale-up of project activities.
Based on the evaluation of the results of the "small" projects, the best grantees will be able to increase the scope of their project activities with additional financing up to $100,000 USD for a period of up to 18 months (the conditions may change to a greater or lesser extent depending on the status of funding from the main project donor) .
For more information on the terms of the grant program, please visit the EFCA website at www.ef-ca.kz and www.ngoexpert.kz.
Who can take part in the competition?
Local non-governmental non-profit organizations, professional and business associations, research centers, and other non-governmental, non-profit organizations throughout the territory of Kazakhstan. Special attention will be paid to organizations that are outside the cities of republican significance (Astana and Almaty). At the stage of the concept contest, project ideas can be submitted by individuals or initiative groups. However, if the idea is approved, it will be proposed either to register an NGO or to submit a full application in partnership with an existing NGO. Financing can be granted only to a registered legal entity.
Criteria for evaluating project ideas/concepts:
An independent grant committee composed of representatives of the public sector, NGOs, media, and academia will evaluate project ideas based on the following criteria:
The project idea is carried out with the support of and in partnership with the state authorities
The project idea promotes the principles of effective management in the provision of public services to the population, the formation and implementation of state, social, and economic policies and the improvement of legislation and processes through the close interaction and effective partnership of three sectors of society - the state, civil sector, and businesses
The urgency of the problem for the country/region/settlement
The project idea can bring about quality, long-term, positive results and changes in the chosen field
The project idea offers innovative approaches
The project idea is realistic and has a clear implementation plan
The project idea has the potential for further expansion of scale
Recommendations for the development of projects:
The results of the analysis of submitted applications in the first cycle of the project showed that EFCA received many weak applications with regard to the concept of effective management. We recommend that you consider the following recommendations:
When writing an application, you should pay special attention to the above criteria, since the application will be considered solely for compliance with them.
In accordance with the objectives of this grant program, projects are being financed to improve/optimize state services provided to the public. The program does not finance NGO services, even if they are innovative. The services of NGOs are important, and many interesting ideas were presented, but unfortunately, these initiatives cannot be supported.
Brief example 1 (Good, but not suitable for the ISGG program):
The problem: the lack of a rehabilitation center to help children and young people with mental health problems.
The proposed solution: the opening of a preschool mini-center. Parents will have the opportunity to work, and children will develop. For young people, a workshops will be organized - with creative, sports, work, sewing, and computer-related options. The organization of festivals in the city park of culture will attract the attention of the media and the public to the problems of families with children with mental health problems. Children and youth will visit the urban swimming pool of the "Sports City Club,” where, under the guidance of a coach, they will learn to swim on Sundays. Together with the "Employment and Social Programs Department,” children and young people will be taken to the site.
Comments of the Grant Committee members:
No stability and long-term possibility in the project. Work in the center has short-term plans, without prospects for the future. It is possible that the Center will later be closed due to the termination of funding for the project;
Lack of innovation in solving the problem;
The project is aimed exclusively at providing direct services to beneficiaries; and
There is no interaction with representatives of state bodies to solve the problem at the systematic level ("at the root").
Brief example 2 (Successful example):
The problem: lack of a rehabilitation center to help children and young people with mental health problems.
The proposed solution: launching a mechanism for sustainable lobbying, submitted by the project package of proposals in the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the consolidation of efforts by the lobbying deputy group. Raising the awareness of a wide range of stakeholders, the formation of a positive public opinion on the introduction of changes in the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the establishment of rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities. The final public hearings will summarize the work on the formation of a package of proposals in the legislation of the RK and present them to the deputy group.
Comments of the Grant Committee members:
-There are stability and long-term possibility in the project. Given a positive decision, state funding for the creation of centers will be provided.
-There is a systematic approach to solving the problem;
-There is interaction with representatives of state bodies and other interested parties to solve the problem at the systematic level ("at the root"), etc.
Interest in the program is very high. Last time, 433 applications were received. Put yourself in the position of an independent expert of the grant committee which considers this vast number of applications. What needs to be done to excite the weary evaluator? That’s right - you need to offer a brilliant idea that will stand out from the masses! Don’t be lazy; take the time to find an interesting, innovative idea. Study international experience and the best practices to systematically solve these problems. Think about the possibility of their adaptation in our country. Everyone likes being prompted by interesting, constructive decisions, and state bodies are no exception.
Do not write a lot. Be succinct, and maintain the logic of the narrative. Again, given the large number of applications, briefly introduce your idea, but make it as clear as possible, so that the evaluator does not have additional questions.
If you participated in the first grant competition and did not get funding, but still think that your idea was perfectly in line with the objectives of the ISGG program, analyze how you can improve your application, given these pointers and recommendations, and re-submit.
Application Procedure
Fill in Attachment 1 - "CONCEPT FORM" (the form can be downloaded from our site at www.ef-ca.kz and www.ngoexpert.kz, or you can request by e-mail by writing to konkurs@ef-ca.org).
Send an application to the following email address: konkurs@ef-ca.org with the subject line: "Application of the IPPE-Name of your organization_ (indicate the thematic area)"
For example: "IPEU_ Inclusive education for people with disabilities".
Applications must be sent in Russian or Kazakh.
Since the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia is interested in receiving quality applications, Applicants can ask clarifying questions about the procedure and other details of the contest by e-mail: konkurs@ef-ca.org or by telephone +7 (727) 250 18 10.
EFCA working hours are from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00. Lunchtime is from 12.30 to 13.30.
September 4, 2015, 6:00 pm (Astana time)