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European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan
Qolda emergency assistance project
Qolda emergency assistance project
March 16, 2017
“TEENS” is an accessible help to prevent suicidal behavior among children and teenagers
GGIF project “TEENS is an accessible and qualitative help” to prevent suicidal behavior among children and teenagers participated in two meetings of experts hosted by the Analytical group KIPR in Almaty and Kazakhstanian institute for strategic surveys under the President of Kazakhstan in Astana.
The aim of the meeting was to develop measures to prevent the situation that was observed in Kazakhstan in February. Those days a splash of activity showed Internet community in “groups of death” in social network. The effect of those groups was destructive in involving teenagers into the “game” that results in depression and, and in some cases, in attempts to commit a suicide.
The results of the pilot project-2016 were presented at the meeting as well as the recommendation to apply service http://www.teenslive.kz as a preventive measure against suicides among teenagers.
Recommendations will be included into the analytical reports to be submitted to Majilis Chamber of Parliament and Administration of the President of Kazakhstan.