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Фонд евразия центральной азии
в казахстане


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February 10, 2022

European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan

ALMATY – The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) launches a new project to strengthen the role of women and youth in decision-making to ensure
May 29, 2020

Qolda emergency assistance project

As part of the Qolda emergency assistance project, NGOs in Nur-Sultan continued implementation of their initiatives.
May 20, 2020

Qolda emergency assistance project

The newsletter contains information on activities of 11 humanitarian assistance projects, who received grants from Chevron. Last week, five

July 16, 2018

Social enterprise practicum

Social Enterprise Practicum – 2016

Do you see the problem in society and it does not give you peace? Perhaps you even have ideas, how can you solve it? But you can dream of a bright future for years without doing anything ...

Indifferent and enterprising citizens are used to acting. They are social entrepreneurs - not only solve social problems, but also earn.

We, the team of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia, consider social entrepreneurship a very important area and support its development. We want that social entrepreneurs in our country become as much as possible, and that they succeed in their work. As part of the International Day of Social Business, we decided to organize a workshop on social entrepreneurship.

Be sure to come if you want to:

  • make our society a little better, and you have an idea how to do it;

  • declare yourself about how you solve a social problem;

  • learn what social entrepreneurship is;

  • find out which niches are available for entrepreneurs in the social sphere;

  • talk with those who have already achieved success in this field;

  • meet potential sponsors of your project;

  • get acquainted with like-minded people and find partners.

At the workshop you are in for:

  • Acquaintance with social entrepreneurship. Our expert will clarify who is a social entrepreneur and will talk about social franchises.

  • Work with a professional coach, which will prompt strategy for making the right decision.

  • Own business model. Together with our trainer, you will be able to formalize your idea into a business model of a social enterprise. And this is already a lot, right?

  • And a LOTTERY with many useful prizes that can change your life!

We will be glad to see you!

June 30 from 15.00 to 20.00 in the bright informal space of the Business Factory (Baizakova str., 280, Almaty Towers shopping mall, 2nd floor)

Admission is free at pre-registration. Limited number of seats


The International Social Business Day is celebrated in the world on June 28, 2010. In the framework of the International Day of Social Businessroundtableses, seminars, trainings, and brainstorms, exhibitions of social projects and competitions of start-ups, video conferences are to be held. In 2016, events timed to coincide with the day will be held in different cities of Russia from June 15 to July 3. Kazakhstan also joined this initiative.

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