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European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan
Qolda emergency assistance project
Qolda emergency assistance project
July 5, 2018
Roundtable on strengthening the effectiveness of the components of the state program for the prevention of suicide among young people
According to official statistics, Kazakhstan ranks third in the world in terms of the number of suicides among adolescents and young people, and is ranked first in the age group of girls aged 15 to 19. The number of cases has been increasing every year.
The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan has called for a comprehensive study of the causes of suicidal behavior among children and youth, involving leading world experts in the field of suicide research and prevention. A report based on the study’s findings was prepared and submitted to state bodies.
Participants of the roundtable: N. A. Negay, doctor of medical science, deputy director of the Scientific and Clinical Work Center of the National Center for Scientific and Technical Information; E. M. Alieva., Head of the Department of Self-Awareness and Spiritual and Moral Education of the Almaty Education Department; A. Bayzoldanova, Head of the Department of Treatment and Prevention of the Almaty Health Department; L. A. Aliepbaeva, lieutenant colonel of the police, head of the juvenile police department of the local police department of the Department of Internal Affairs of Almaty; N.A. Togizbaeva, Chief Inspector of the Akim of Almaty for Women and Family and Demographic Policy; and various psychologists, NGO representatives, and journalists.
The Women's Leadership Fund is implementing the "TEENS" project under the Initiative to Support Effective Governance with the support of USAID and the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia.
The aim of this project is to strengthen the preventive component of the suicide prevention program for adolescents and young people, developed and implemented by the state through mechanisms of civic engagement.
This press release was made possible thanks to the help of the American people provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Women's Leadership Fund is responsible for the content of the publication, which does not necessarily reflect the position of USAID or the US Government.