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Qolda emergency assistance project
June 6, 2016
Ready for school!
From 25 to 30 April in Kuryk village a training on «Step by Step» technology for teachers of pre-school and senior kindergarten’s groups was conducted, where they learned the basics of teaching ethics and some methods of involving parents in the educational process. The training was conducted by the director of PF "Step by Step" Dina Aidzhanova, an expert Saule Beysenbaeva, a specialist in art therapy Marina Kurmanova and psychologist Zura Damekova.
"I think that the training was held at the highest level. I learned how to make books for children, new approaches in work with parents, a method for child observation; I know now how to diversify games that are used in classroom. I would be glad to participate in other similar trainings in the future. I will try to apply all the knowledge and skills in the daily work with children, "- said one of the training participants (Step by Step teacher).
The technology "Step by Step" is used in pre-school and primary education and upbringing, and combines all the best traditions of world education. The technology offers effective solutions for implementation of the democratic and humanistic principles in teacher’s work and enriches the national program with new approaches, meeting the requirements of modern time, provides personal development of children and involves family in the educational process. «Step by Step» helps to create classes with child-centered approach, focused on the child to develop his potential.
From 16 to 21 May a training on the Montessori method was conducted. The teachers of kindergartens studied particular sensory areas to prepare children for work with materials of the Montessori mathematics. The training was conducted by an experts of "Class Montessori" LLP Guldana Kazbekova.
"During the training we had an opportunity to put ourselves on childrens’ place. There is no doubt that everything that a child sees or feels remains in his memory for a long time. For example, a math class theme that is explained using Montessori materials will never be forgotten. Montessori materials make it easier for teacher to explain topics, and for student – easier to learn. I believe that the Montessori system will not interfere with traditional lessons and will only help. Montessori also teaches me to be patient and calm, "- said one of the training participants (Montessori teacher).
"Montessori" is by far one of the popular methods of child development in the world. A series of trainings will focus on the study of Montessori materials in mathematics for 3-6 years old children. As you know, children can not remember what they are not able to imagine, and Montessori materials help develop senses and meet children's needs. Using the system "Montessori" children develop mathematical knowledge as naturally and easily as native language.
The program on improvement of the pre-school education "Growing Together" is implemented in the Kuryk village with the support of ERSAI Caspian Contractor LLC since 2013. To date, the project involves 6 kindergartens, where 10 Step by Step and 5 Montessori groups are open. Thus, the program involves more than 90% of children in the Kuryk village.
In 2016, the main objective of the program is to ensure the continuity of education and kindergartens and primary schools, development of partnership between them, which will allow children who graduate from kindergarten to better adapt to characteristics of the secondary education system. This year the technology «Step by Step» and methods of "Montessori" are continued to be introduced.
The continuation of this program is the initiative for primary education "Learning Together", which started in 2016 and is aimed at ensuring the continuity of education. The initiative involves six primary schools in Kuryk village for which such trainings are also conducted.