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Prevention of suicidal behavior of adolescents and youth of Kazakhstan
Almaty, Kazakhstan - August 24, 2016, The Women's Leadership Fund in the framework of USAID's "Initiative to Support Effective Governance" with the support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia for the "TEENS" project holds a press conference on "Prevention of Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents and youth of Kazakhstan ".
The goal of the project is to strengthen the preventive component of the Project on the Prevention of Suicide among Adolescents and Youth, developed and implemented by the state, through mechanisms of civic engagement.
As for today, the state project on suicide prevention is being implemented and the main speaker on that topic will be the deputy director for scientific and clinical work of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Narcology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Negay Nikolay Anatolevich. Speaking on the problem of suicides for educational institutions will be Elmira Maksutovna Aliyeva, head of the self-knowledge and spiritual and moral education department of the Almaty Education Department. About the work of the Internet site developed under the USAID "IPEU" program, TEENS, which is aimed at strengthening the state program for the prevention of suicide among teenagers will explain the project manager Svetlana Bogatyreva.
The Women's Leadership Fund is a Kazakh women's non-governmental organization created to promote the formation of a culture of gender relations in society, support of the women's leadership movement, and to protect the rights and interests of women, children, and family values.
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