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June 2, 2016
Press release: youth of Shymkent was trained on reproductive rights of young people
On the April 6-7, 2016, the PO "Center for Economic and Civic Education of the SKO “Intellect" conducted a two-day training seminar in Shymkent on the topic "Reproductive health of the transition-age youth and its involvement in the interests and rights protection process" in framework of the program “Enhancing opportunities of the South Kazakhstan NGOs to promote human rights reform", funded by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Kazakhstan and administered by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia.
The training seminar was aimed at increasing the knowledge of the transition-age youth on the protection of their reproductive health and rights. As part of the training participants were told about the basic concepts of reproductive health and rights, as well as the right of access to the qualitative health care, prevention of the sexually transmitted diseases; became familiar with the international and national legal framework in the field of youth in puberty reproductive health.
The training participants were 30 high school students and young people from Shymkent.