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European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan
Qolda emergency assistance project
Qolda emergency assistance project
June 2, 2016
Press release: A training seminar was held in Almaty for students of the 7-th, 8-th and 10-th grades of the school number 187 of the Nauryzbay area
Almaty - April 14, 2016, PF "Spring" together with the juvenile inspector of the Nauryzbay district held a training seminar for students of the 7-th, 8-th and 10-th grades of the school number 187 in framework of the project "There are no former children" with the support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia at the expense of funds provided by the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan in framework of the program "Strengthening the capacity of NGOs in South Kazakhstan for promotion of human rights reforms."
The objective of the training seminar was to give an overview of the alimony problem and their non-payment at the present time, consider the psychological aspects: conditions for the creation of a strong family and reasons for the divorce of parents, interaction of parents and children.
The following sub-themes were discussed during the seminar:
The RK Code of 26.12.2011, "On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family";
The Convention on children and human rights (in general);
Preparation for the marriage. Readiness to have family;
Gender roles, responsibilities distribution (express poll);
Family: conditions for the development of a strong family;
Family crisis: challenges to overcome;
Domestic violence as one of the reasons for divorce, family breakdown;
What is needed to keep the family together?
Developing the Happy Family Code;
Family assistance services: Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy in akimats.
Unit for the protection of women from violence, DIA of Almaty city;
Juvenile Department of Internal Affairs of the Almaty city;
Social and psychiatric services at polyclinics;
Telephone hotline.
The total number of participants was 83.