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Qolda emergency assistance project

June 2, 2016
Press Release: in Taldykorgan a seminar for school psychologists "Forms and methods of work of the school psychologist on the identification of minor abuse victims"
Taldykorgan - April 6, 2016, the PO "Women's rural network of Almaty region" conducted a seminar: "Forms and methods of work of the school psychologist for the identification of minor abuse victims".
This seminar was conducted in the framework of project "Family without violence and conflict" with the support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia at the expense of funds provided by the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of program "Strengthening the capacity of NGOs in the South Kazakhstan for promotion of human rights reforms."
During the seminar participants were told about the principles and methods of diagnosis of violence, concept and types of indecent treatment of a child. During the practical part of the training and work in groups a scheme to protect the rights and interests of children was developed. The seminar was devoted to identifying the minor victims of violence and the forms of work with them.
The seminar was organized for psychologists of Taldykorgan schools to improve the skills of teachers to prevent violence and abuse against children and to improve cooperation with juvenile inspectors and non-governmental organizations to provide qualified assistance to victims.