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May 26, 2016
Presentation of the project "Model of availability of the special social services for people with disabilities in rural areas"
Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan - May 19, 2016. The Public Association "Alpamys" in the framework of the USAID program "Initiative in support of effective management" of the project "Model of availability of the special social services for people with disabilities in rural areas" makes a presentation and a working meeting with partners of the project, as well as with representatives of such state bodies as the State Health Department, the Finance Department, the Department of Internal policy, the Department of employment coordination and social programs of Almaty region, the Departments of employment and social programs of Aksu and Kerbulask areas, as well as with representatives of NGOs.
This project is aimed at improving the mechanisms of implementation of the special social services at the legislative level, taking into account the real situation and the territorial characteristics of people with disabilities in rural areas. The project activities are implemented through social partnership with government agencies and NGOs working in the field of assistance to people with disabilities.
On the basis of the achieved results, the development of set of documents on introduction of changes and amendments to the Law of Kazakhstan "On the special social services" and Standards for the special social services in the field of social protection is expected.
For more information please contact the project coordinator Beksultanova Nurilya Aytzhanovna, tel. numbers: +7 728 230-58-73, +7 701-238-02-64