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European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan
Qolda emergency assistance project
Qolda emergency assistance project
May 26, 2016
Post-release: Almaty hosted a seminar for medical staff
Almaty - May 19, 2016. PF "Spring" held a seminar for the medical staff of City Clinical Hospital № 7 in the framework of the project "There are no former children" with support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia at the expense of funds provided by the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the program "Strengthening the capacity of NGOs in South Kazakhstan for promotion of human rights reforms" implementation.
The seminar was held in conjunction with the inspector of Division on protection of women from violence of the Nauryzbay district DIA A.Abylkasymova and bailiffs of branch of the Department of Justice "Territorial Department of the Nauryzbay district" A.Rasulov and M.Orazbekov.