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June 2, 2016
Leaders in the innovative pre-school education in the Mangistau region
Currently the II Republican pedagogical lectures "Innovation and experience in education: challenges of the time" are held. The purpose of the pedagogical lectures is to increase the pedagogical skills of educators, the development of innovation in the education system, compilation and dissemination of the best innovative teaching practices in the training and education of children, the formation of innovative culture of teachers.
At the regional level the event is organized by the "Mangystau regional center of pre-school education" of the Education Department of Mangistau region.
On the 16-18 March 2016, in the Kuryk village (Karakiyan district, Mangistau region) a district qualifier round of the II Republican pedagogical lectures was held among the 12 teachers of pre-school education of the Karkiyan district where educators from the Kuryk village were awarded the leading positions:
- Grand Prix: "Aigolek" kindergarten teacher Zhadyrasyn Dzhumagazieva (topic: "Methods and techniques of applying the Montessori technology. Organization of work with the developing Montessori materials");
- 1st place: "Kulynshak" kindergarten teacher Zhanat Tanzharikova (theme: "Step by Step technology as the guarantor of a bright future");
- 2nd place: "Bolashak" kindergarten teacher Dina Sultanova (topic: "The importance of the zone "Sensorica" in the development of thinking of young children in the Montessori system");
- 3rd place: "Aigolek" kindergarten teacher Akmaral Otarbayeva (topic: "Implementation of the Step by Step technology as one of the important new methods and techniques of personality establishment")
All winners of the Kuryk village had the opportunity to participate in the regional selection round of the pedagogical lectures, which was held in Aktau on the 5-6 April 2016. It was attended by the 22 teachers of kindergartens from all over the Mangistau region. In the regional qualifying round the work of Zhadyrasyn Dzhumagazieva (kindergarten "Aigolek") was also recognized as one of the best, she was awarded the III place. Now Zhadyrasyn will participate in the II Republican pedagogical lectures at the national level.
Public kindergartens of the Kuryk village are participants of the program for improvement of the quality of pre-school education "Growing Together", which is implemented with the support of ERSAI Caspian Contractor LLC. The program was launched in 2013 and is aimed at improving the skills of administration and kindergarten teachers, involving parents in the educational process, implementation of the international methods of training to effectively engage each child in the learning process. To date, the project involves four kindergartens, which introduced innovative techniques Montessori and Step by Step. Montessori Method of education complements the government program, classes are conducted using the technology "Step by Step".