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January 17, 2017
International and Kazakhstanian experts to discuss in Almaty access to HIV rapid-testing through NGOs
Almaty, Kazakhstan – January 20, 2017. Organization of legal entities “KazUnion of PLWH” within the program of USAID GGIF/PEPFAR and project “Access to HIV rapid-testing through NGOs in Kazakhstan” will host a working meeting of International and Kazakhstanian experts.
The aim of the meeting is to join efforts of government, international organizations and civil sector for developing a common strategy and vision to launch a service on HIV rapid-testing through NGOs.
Draft manual to provide consultation and testing with the help of HIV rapid-tests through NGOs will be presented at the meeting.
“Currently Kazakhstan lacks regulations to implement rapid-testing for HIV-infection through NGOs. HIV rapid-testing is the resource that will enable to broaden the range of test receivers”, - says the head of “KazUnion of PLWH” Nurali Amanzholov.
A number of NGOs in many regions of Kazakhstan actively work on the projects to assist groups to be the most vulnerable to the risk of contracting of HIV infection. Launching such a service as an HIV rapid-testing will demonstrate the effectiveness of those projects.
The participants of the working meeting will include representatives from the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, National Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, International organizations (ICAP, CDC, PSI,), NGOs.
For any additional information please contact + 7 727 225-78-38, + 7 705 571-17-25, +7 777-225-46-01 and e-mails: lyubovchubukova@gmail.com, marina_maximova@rambler.ru