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In the framework of the project "Zharaysin," а master-class will be held
Astana, Kazakhstan - April 25, 2016, PF "Taza Niet - Astana" within the framework of the project "Zharaysyn" will hold a master class for parents who bring up children with disabilities.
The event will be conducted by Isanova Valida, Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Kazan State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, the author of patented innovative import substituting technologies for restoration of vital functions in children with motor and cognitive impairments. Also, parents with children will be able to pass a master class on the author's technique for threshold massage.
A unique technique for restoring the motor functions of Professor Isanova was introduced in the International Amicus Rehabilitation Center (Warsaw).
The master class will be held in Astana on the basis of the State Communal Enterprise on the right of economic management "City Children's Hospital No. 2", beginning at 10.00.
The Zharaysyn project is being implemented as part of USAID's "Initiative to Support Effective Governance" with the support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia. The project executor is Public Fund "Taza Niet - Astana", the partner of the project is the Republican State Enterprise "Kazaeronavigation".
Contact details: Address: Astana, st. Seifullina, 5, of. 9 Tel. 8 701 50 30 296, contact name: Banu Iskakova, e-mail: iskakovakz@mail.ru