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May 3, 2017
GGIF announces a Photo Contest
USAID program Good Governance Initiative Fund is under its way for the third year. During this period GGIF grantees in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan demonstrated considerable results, created several Success stories, number of beneficiaries grew up, and in many aspects the quality of life was improved.
GGIF projects have a chance to show their activities through a Photo Contest.
“Your aim is to highlight project with the help of one photo. Demonstrate how project woks, show up its beneficiaries. That could be photos taken in the past, just look through your photo achieve and find the one we need for the contest”, - says the contest announcement.
The participation in the contest enables project and NGO to be more visible not only throughout Kazakhstan. The best photos might be published by international platforms, dealing with social projects.
Contest winners will be named in May 31, 2017. Authors of the most successful photos will be awarded with prizes.