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February 5, 2016
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia in Kazakhstan launches a new project
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia in Kazakhstan launches a new project "NGO sustainability initiative", with the support of the Royal Netherlands Embassy.
The financial and economic crisis that has engulfed the whole world was reflected in the development of Kazakh NGOs. The level of international donor support to the activities of NGOs in Kazakhstan fell significantly after reaching a peak in the 2000s. Never the less the activities of many NGOs are still dependent on the support of international donors, or they survive at the expense of the state social order.
Weak organizational and institutional development of NGOs, lack of knowledge and skills
in project design and management, and lack of experience in the development of program management activities, leading to unsustainable activities of NGOs, lack of long-term results, and the provision of low-quality services to their beneficiaries.
“NGO Sustainability Initiative” project is directed at some of the most critical problems in the Kazakh NGO sector. The overall goal of the project is for Kazakhstani human rights NGOs to be able to deliver more sustainable, long-term results for their beneficiaries and supporters. The project tackles the issue by first improving the capacity of NGOs to effectively design and manage successful projects. Subsequently, EFCA will address the challenges of viability through increasing NGO knowledge and application of tools to support long-term organizational and financial sustainability.
The target group for the project is human rights advocacy NGOs in Kazakhstan, with more than 3 years of experience in the design and implementation of projects
EFCA will select a total of 20 organizations for participation in the project over the course of 18 months. The main project activities are focused on the support of organizational and institutional development, and improving the programmatic activities of the legal NGOs in Kazakhstan.
Training and mentoring will conduct local and international experts.
Geography of the project is- all the regions of Kazakhstan.
All project materials will be published on the website of the Expert Centre NGO, www.ngoexpert.kz.