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January 10, 2017
Contest among journalists for the best material on drug substitution therapy in Kazakhstan named its winners
Public Foundation “Aman-Saulyk” with the support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia under the project “Improvement of the legislative norms on prevention, testing and treatment HIV/AIDS in Kazakhstan” carried out a contest among journalists and bloggers of print, electronic and internet media for the most objective and reliable publications on sustainability of opioid substitution therapy (OST) in Kazakhstan.
A special commission represented by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Anti-Drug Trafficking Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, public figures, journalists and NGOs looked through 13 contest publications in newspapers, TV and radio channels, internet media. Competitive materials were evaluated due to the following criteria: compliance and adherence to the issue, comprehensiveness, relevance, creativity and overall impression.
“In our activities to raise the accessibility of supporting substitution therapy in Kazakhstan we followed the aphorism of a well-known writer Jordan Belfort: “If correctly explain to people “why”, they will find the way to “how”. Knowing the sensibility of Kazakhstani people to the “word” of journalists in issues of public information, non-governmental organizations rely on you, dear journalists”, - said the president of the Public Foundation “Aman-Saulyk” Bakhyt Tumenova at awarding ceremony in December 23, 2016.
She announced the winners of the contest: the 1st place and monetary prize 100 000 tenge went to Dina Amirova (“Yurydicheskaya gazeta”, Media Corporation ZAN), 2nd place and prize 90 000 tenge – Svetlana Egorova (Information public network “Formator”), 3rd place and prize 80 000 tenge – Almira Alishbayeva (newspaper “Diapazon”) and Gulbanu Mukhtarkulova (Kazakh radio).
Links to the materials: http://www.kazinform.kz/ru/obschestvennye-deyateli-v-rk-zayavlyayut-o-vygode-metadonovoy-terapii_a2960633http://ratel.kz/kaz/ekspert_schitaet_chto_terapija_metadonom_dlja_narkozavisimyh_