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Qolda emergency assistance project

July 10, 2017
Career Guidance as a new component of the program "Hand in Hand We Learn"
EFCA launched a new component to improve career guidance in schools within the framework of the school education initiative "Hand in Hand We Learn", implemented with the support of ERSAI Caspian Contractors. The first phase of the project will be devoted to teaching the basic skills of organizing career guidance in schools, in particular planning career guidance, working with parents, and career guidance for students.
The second phase will include the provision of various career guidance services for 8th, 9th, and 10th graders by trained specialists. Among them are classes on career counseling, consultations for students and their parents, field trips to enterprises, guest lectures, a summer camp, distribution of information literature to help students and their parents, and so on.
Within the framework of the project, class leaders, counsellors, and heads of student life will receive a series of interactive training sessions where they will learn the skills of effective communication, planning career guidance, coaching skills, etc.
The partners of the program are the Center for Psychotechnologies "Genesis Verae", PF "Achievements of the young", NGO "Independent generation of Kazakhstan", "New Generation", Training center "Abristraining".