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June 4, 2018
Beginning entrepreneurs in the Kuryk village received business development grants
On 30 January 2018 in the Kuryk village (Mangystau region, Karakiya district) held an official ceremony of awarding the winners of the best business ideas contest among the residents of Kuryk village on the project "development of entrepreneurial potential in Kuryk village", implemented with the financial support of ERSAI Caspian Contractor Company LLC.
Venue of the ceremony: Kuryk village, Karakiyskiy Vocational College, Microdistrict 2, 217 (library).
The award ceremony was attended by representatives of the company ERSAI, the district’s akimat and EFCA.
The purpose of this project is to increase the level of entrepreneurial activity and the number of self-employed among the residents of the village Kuryk. The project included a series of trainings on financial literacy and business planning basics. On November 20, 2017, the deadline for the provision of business plans and video applications of registered participants was completed. In total, 31 applications were received. On December 8, 2017, the final meeting of the Commission was held in Kuryk village. The Commission included representatives of ERSAI, district akimat, NCE and Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA).
According to the results of the competition 3 winners were chosen:
- Daniyar Murzabekov (the idea of production of plaster products);
- Azamat Churagulov (the idea of production toys out of wood);
- Duysenbay Tolepbergen (the idea of opening a fish shop).
The winners of the idea contest received grants for the implementation of their ideas. During the year, young entrepreneurs will undergo various trainings on financial literacy, marketing, etc.