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June 17, 2016
Almaty will host training on social entrepreneurship for human rights NGOs
Training is organized by the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia in the framework of the project "Initiative for the human rights NGOs sustainability", implemented with the support of the Royal Netherlands Embassy.
The training participants will be NGOs from all regions of Kazakhstan, engaged in human rights activities, who want to strengthen their sustainability and are looking for effective ways of its development.
During the training, participants will learn about the possibilities of development of social entrepreneurship in their organizations, will examine methods of generating business ideas with a social orientation, will explore the organizational development of their organizations, will improve knowledge and skills of writing applications for participation in competitions for grants.
The trainers are the executive director of EFCA Rinad Temirbekov, the expert in organizational development, project management and fundraising of EFCA Irina Naydyonova, the manager of research and development programs of EFCA Indira Aitbai.
"One of the urgent problems of NGOs is financial instability, as international donors have sharply reduced grants, and most NGOs exist from grant to grant. This project is aimed at learning the basics of social entrepreneurship and the development of NGOs’ capacity to engage in social entrepreneurship. One need to learn how to make money himself to be financially sustainable, and at the same time to solve social problems. Our project is all about it. We hope that participants will acquire new knowledge, will discover unexpected ways and solutions for the sustainability of their organizations," - says Alma Sholpankulova, project manager.
The project is aimed at the sustainable development of the human rights NGOs and will run until April 2017.
For further information please contact Alma Sholpankulova, EFCA Project Manager: tel. (727) 250-18-10, ext.124, alma@ef-ca.org; or Zhazira Zhunysova, EFCA Project Assistant: zhazira@ef-ca.org, tel. (727) 250-18-10, ext.134.