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Qolda emergency assistance project

June 2, 2016
A training for youth was held in Kyzylorda
On April 20 in the framework of the project "Implementation of the rights for employment of Kyzylorda youth" conducted by the NGO "Syr ulandary" a training seminar for young people on the theme "Starting your own business. Support for young entrepreneurs" was held.
This training was held in the framework of the project "Implementation of the rights for employment of Kyzylorda youth" with the support of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia at the expense of funds provided by the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the program "Strengthening the capacity of NGOs in South Kazakhstan for promotion of human rights reforms."
During the event state support for young entrepreneurs and necessary regulations, the main types of business were explained, topics on planning and risk in business, and business plan were discussed. At the workshops small groups “opened and advertised their business”.
According to those present, the involvement of youth in entrepreneurial activity is essential for young people. Such events cause the interest in young people to start their own business and make it possible to provide for themselves.
Alia Askarkyzy will receive diploma this year. She shares her views on the seminar: “I really liked the seminar. We were told about different types of businesses. I think that it will give positive results. I think to open my own psychological center in the future. It would be nice to have such events more often.”