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Qolda emergency assistance project
Qolda emergency assistance project
July 16, 2018
A roundtable was held in Kyzylorda within the project "health of the nation is a priority”
Kyzylorda. Kazakhstan - on May 5, 2016, OO "Support of an Initiative" within the USAID "Initiative in support of Effective Management" program with assistance of KF "Eurasia Fund of Central Asia" have carried out a roundtable on a subject: "Increase in efficiency of granting and receiving the public medical services and social protection in the Kyzylorda region".
This project is carried out with the assistance of Management of health care of the Kyzylorda region. At the roundtable, results of poll of the population in Kyzylorda have been presented, Zhalagashsky and Kazalinsky districts of the Kyzylorda region and discussion of the most important questions of granting the guaranteed volume of free medical care and free drugs by medical institutions Kyzylorda, Zhalagashsky and Kazalinsky districts of the Kyzylorda region with use of methodology of ZOPP (The purposeful solution of problems) for active involvement of the population to discussion of the vital issues of their communities, effective involvement of citizens and all interested parties are carried out to the decision-making process at the local level at implementation of state programs and also uses of effective mechanisms of accountability.
The recommendations received during a roundtable will be used as the mechanism of public participation when monitoring the socially important state program on the available guaranteed provision of medicines and medical services and also will serve as an example for participants of the program for application in other socially important spheres.