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A roundtable on the “Professional Management of NGOs and Social Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects" held in Almaty
On January 26, a roundtable on the “Professional Management of NGOs and Social Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects,” was organized by the NGO Expert Center and the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia as part of the Initiative for the Capacity Building of NGO Experts in Kazakhstan with the support of Chevron in Kazakhstan, was held in Almaty.
The participants of the roundtable — representatives of the Internal Policy Department of the Akimat of Almaty, Almaty Management University, EFCA, Chevron, students of the “Management in the Nonprofit Sector" MBA program, NGO representatives, and the media — discussed challenges and prospects in the management of NGOs.
Nowadays, Kazakhstani NGOs are constantly developing, actively interacting with each other, as well as with state and business structures, implementing various programs, jointly participating in socially significant projects, actions, festivals, rallies, fairs, etc.
Non-governmental organizations operate in a modern environment characterized by a high degree of competition, political and economic risks, and changes in laws governing the activities of the nonprofit sector. At the same time, the services rendered to NGOs by socially unprotected layers of the population are in great demand.
The need to improve the professionalism of leaders and managers of non-governmental organizations is also relevant in connection with the high level competition between public organizations in obtaining certain resources, the active policy of implementing government social-sector procurement, and the lack of stable funding.
These aspects speak to the need for professional leadership of NGOs, the reorganization of the internal management system, which will eventually lead to an increase in the trust of stakeholders in social projects, and most importantly, in the trust of the population in the activities of the nonprofit sector.
For further information, please contact:
Ainur Kuanysheva, coordinator of the NGO Expert Center (ALMA University) at the following email address: a.kuanysheva@almau.edu.kz, 87770649154, and Bakhytnur Zeitullaevna, director of the NGO Expert Center (ALMA University) bakhytnur@mail.ru, tel: 8 (727) 3022302, 87017858675.