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European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan
ALMATY – The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) launches a new project to strengthen the role of women and youth in decision-making to ensure
Qolda emergency assistance project
As part of the Qolda emergency assistance project, NGOs in Nur-Sultan continued implementation of their initiatives.
Qolda emergency assistance project
The newsletter contains information on activities of 11 humanitarian assistance projects, who received grants from Chevron. Last week, five

EFCA KZ announces an open call for the selection of a final evaluation expert for the project GGIF/USAID
Активный конкурс
The call is open for Russian- and English-speaking experts in Kazakhstan as well as in other countries
The Good Governance Initiative Fund (GGIF) is a two-phased grant mechanism designed to increase the capacity of traditionally underserved and underrepresented Kazakh and Tajik CSOs outside of the capital cities to strategically plan, coordinate, and execute complex campaigns aimed at reforming the institutionalized delivery of services, public policy and legislation. The ultimate goal of the project is to promote institutionalized governance reforms which contribute to improved service delivery, public policy, legislation, or regulations. The project was launched in October 2014 and is expected to end in September 2018.
The Final Evaluation will assess the performance, management arrangements, monitoring and evaluation practices, and success of the project. The Evaluation process should examine the extent to which the GGIF funding mechanism contributed to governance reforms in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan and the potential impact of such reforms. The process should also assess GGIF’s contribution to grantee organizational capacity development.
Successes, challenges, and lessons learned documented during the evaluation process will be shared with relevant stakeholder groups and may be used by EFCA to improve grant-making, program management, and program development practices.
The final evaluation will mainly include activities held since the mid-term project evaluation, but may also refer to the activities since the project inception and will include all groups of grantees.
Key Deliverable: The final evaluation should result in an analytical report in English.
Geographic Regions for Evaluation: Kazakhstan and Tajikistan
Documents for participation in the contest must be sent before May 30, 2018 (18:00 Astana time) to the e-mail: alma@ef-ca.org; zhazira@ef-ca.org; (subject of the message: "GGIF-Final evaluation").
The SOW for project evaluator is here

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