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Фонд евразия центральной азии
в казахстане

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May 11, 2018

Better Business Benefits All

Reducing administrative barriers to business development positively impacts national welfare
May 11, 2018

Simplified Services Bring Citizens out of the “Shadows”

The identification and standardization of ‘hidden’ government services not only reduces bureaucratic red tape, but also encourages stronger and
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Mother of two Armangul was tired of the gadgets. Her 12-year-old son, in particular, would hardly lift his head from the screen. “The boy is

May 24, 2016

USAID helps improve management efficiency of the special social services (SSS) system

The USAID program "Initiative for effective management promotion" supported the project "Model of integrated services" to increase management efficiency of the special social services (SSS) system of the social corporate fund (SCF) "ZUBR" in Ust-Kamenogorsk. The project is aimed at improving the system management of SSS through the development and testing of the integrated models of special social services (ISSS) for children and people over 18 years old with neuropsychiatric abnormalities and so on.

Positive results of implementation of the model of ISSS include cooperation of the SCF "ZUBR" with the Ministry of Health and Social Development and such governmental institutions as the “Department of Education of the East Kazakhstan region,” the “Department of Health of the East Kazakhstan region,” the “Department of Coordination of Employment and Social Programs of the East Kazakhstan region,” the “Interior Department of the East Kazakhstan region (EKR),” on the adoption of the pilot model of ISSS.

As a result of the project realization, schemes of the SSS system implementation in three spheres were developed, the project of a single register of ISSS and the project of individual cards for ISSS implementation for persons (families), who are in difficult situations, as well as analytical dossier "ISSS Model (on EKR example)" were created as well.

Several proposals for changes in the regulatory legal acts were created: the Law of RK "On special social services", Rules of the assessment and determination of the need for SSS, the SSS standards in three areas. Practical recommendations on changing forms of needs assessment of the SSS recipients were developed.

Head of the SCF "ZUBR" became a member of the Republican working group on the revision of the assessment order and determination of the need for SSS, ISSS model adoption, determination of the SSS cost.

The developed model of ISSS will simplify procedures of appointment of the special social services and reduce the number of steps taken by the potential recipients of services from 15 to 1-3 steps, depending on the complexity of cases. In the long-run budget optimization will occur at least in four areas (social protection, education, health, justice). In addition, adoption of the ISSS will have a positive impact on the quality of life of at least 15% of the population, who are included in 11 categories of potential recipients of the SSS on the grounds, specified in the Law of RK "On special social services". The number also includes 1,800 people with disabilities and more than 32 000 orphans.

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