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Grants competition
Новости фонда
European Union supports more active role of women and youth in decision-making in Kazakhstan
ALMATY – The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA) launches a new project to strengthen the role of women and youth in decision-making to ensure
Qolda emergency assistance project
As part of the Qolda emergency assistance project, NGOs in Nur-Sultan continued implementation of their initiatives.
Qolda emergency assistance project
The newsletter contains information on activities of 11 humanitarian assistance projects, who received grants from Chevron. Last week, five

Small grants "Good Governance Initiative Fund"
Активный конкурс
About the project “Good Governance Initiative Fund”
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has voted the funds for a grant program within the project "Good Governance Initiative Fund" in Kazakhstan. The project covers all 14 regions of the country. The implementer of the project is the “Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia” (EFCA). The project includes a multi-phase grant program for non-profit organizations and based on the determination and expansion of the innovative approaches for the promotion of the good governance initiatives.
Goals of the project:
To facilitate the initiatives in the area of the institutional good governance through the effective interaction between civil society organizations and governmental agencies, that will lead to the long-term improvement of public services, legislation or policies, mechanisms and processes of governance.
The second cycle of the project will cover the spheres in Health Care, solving the problems of people with disabilities and other areas of government services:
Objectives of the project:
Objective of the project is to promote institutionalized good governance reforms that result in improved service delivery, public policy, legislation, or regulations.
Applicants will have the opportunity to work with the project team’s Capacity Building Advisor to improve project proposals. In each cycle, between 7 – 20 grants per country, ranging from $10,000 – $20,000 each will be awarded under Phase 1 for the implementation of 8 month pilot projects.
Following Phase 1, project team will conduct a rapid assessment, a process which includes individual project evaluation and the use of a “scalability tool”, designed to measure the potential of pilot projects to contribute to large-scale reforms if scaled up” for multi-region or national-level implementation.
Stages of the competition
First stage: Revision of the project ideas/concepts
Phase 1 (“Concept Phase”) will invite civil society organizations (CSOs) from across Kazakhstan to submit “proof of concept” proposals for pilot projects which contribute to governance reforms in diverse spheres.
For the applicant it is required to present their conceptual ideas of the projects in 1-4 pages strictly based on the form provided on the sites www.ef-ca.kz and www.ngoexpert.kz, or requested by e-mail konkurs@ef-ca.org.
The form of the concept represents briefly outlined idea of the project, which contains goals and objectives, expected short-term results in the framework of the first phase and the long-term prospects for the continuation of the second phase (See. Appendix 1).
The successful concept should be distinguished by others by having relevant, innovative and perspective project, only in this case the applicants will be invited to write the detailed competitive application for the participation in the 2nd stage of competition. In the cases of incomplete filling, as well as using the other forms of concept/competitive application, EFCA will consider them as non-compliance with the tender documentation, and has the right not to allow them for further consideration of the independent grant committee.
Second stage: Consideration of the deployed applications on the implementation of the "small" projects.
Participants, who provide the best concepts, will be invited to write the deployed applications on the implementation of innovative "small" projects under the three thematic areas:
-problems of people with disabilities;
-problems in the health sector;
-Other topics (with the exception of the health sector and the sphere of working with disabled people).
The winners of the detailed application contest will receive funding for a period of 8 months, in amount of
15 000 US dollars.
Third Stage: Increasing the scale of the project activity
Based on the evaluation of the achieved results in "small" projects, the best grant recipients will be able to increase the scope of their project activity with the additional funding up to 100 000 US dollars for the period up to 12 months (conditions may be changed depending on the status of funding from the primary donor of the project).
For more information about the conditions of the grant program visit the website of EFCA www.ef-ca.kz
and www.ngoexpert.kz
Who can participate in the contest?
Local non-governmental and non-profit organizations, professional and business associations, research centers and other non-governmental, non-profit organizations on the territory of Kazakhstan could submit the applications. Particular attention will be given to organizations that are outside the cities of national significance (outside Astana and Almaty).
On the stage of the concepts competition the project ideas can submit individuals or initiative groups. However, with the approval of the idea, it will be prompted to either register NGO, or to submit a full application in partnership with the existing NGO. Funding can only be granted to the registered entity.
Funding could be granted only to the registered legal entity.
Criteria for the evaluation of the project ideas/conceptions
An independent grant committee consisting of representatives from the public sector, NGOs, media and academia will assess project ideas on the following criteria:
1 |
The project idea is implemented with the support and partnership of the governmental agencies |
2 |
The project idea is promoting principles of good governance in the provision of public services, formation and implementation of the public social and economic policy and perfecting legislation and processes through the close collaboration and effective partnership of the three sectors of society - government, civil society and business |
3 |
Relevance of the problem for the country / region / locality |
4 |
The project idea will bring high-quality, long-term, positive results and changes in the chosen field |
5 |
The project idea offers innovative approaches |
6 |
The project idea is realistic and has a clear plan of implementation |
7 |
The project idea has the potential for the further expansion in the scale and animation |
Recommendations for the project development
The results of the analysis of applications submitted during the 1st series of the project showed that EFCA received several applications that had a poor connection with the concept of good governance. We recommend you to take into consideration the following recommendations:
- By writing an application it is necessary to pay special attention to the criteria above, since the application will be considered based on the compliance with these criteria.
- Based on the objectives of the grant program, the events on the improvement/ optimization of public services will be funded. The program does not finance the services of the NGO, even if they are innovative. The NGO services are important, and there were presented many interesting ideas, but this program, unfortunately, cannot support them.
A brief sample 1 (Good, but not appropriate for ISGG (ИПЭУ)):
Problem – the absence of a rehabilitation center for children and young people with mental disorders.
Proposed solution: Opening of the preschool mini-center: for parents-opportunity to work, and for developing the skills of the children. For the young people the workshop will be organized with different circles - creative, sports, labor, sewing, computer circles. Organization of events in the city park of culture will attract the attention of the media and public to the problems of the families with mental disabled children. Children and young people will visit the city swimming pool of the "Sport City Club", where on Sundays with the instructions of the coach they would learn to swim. Jointly with the "Department of employment and social programs", those children and young people will be provided with the special taxi.
Comments of the grant committee members:
-Lack of stability and long-term in the project. Work at the center has short-term plans, without prospects for the future.
-It is not excluded that subsequently the Center will be closed if the funding will be stopped.
- Absence of innovativeness in the problem solution
- The project focuses entirely on the provision of the direct services to beneficiaries.
- No interaction with representatives of governmental agencies for solving the problem at the system level ("at the root").
A brief sample 2 (Successful example)
Problem - the absence of a rehabilitation center for children and young people with mental disorders.
Proposed Solution: launching the mechanism of a sustainable lobbying, submission of a draft set of proposals in Parliament of the RK, consolidation of efforts of lobbying parliamentary group. To increase the awareness of the wide range of interested parties, formation of the positive public opinion on the amendments to the legislative acts of the RK on the creation of the rehabilitation centers for the people with disabilities. To conduct the open public hearings for developing the joint recommendations in changing the legislation, and to present these recommendations to the deputies of the Parliament.
Comments of the grant committee members:
- Stable and long term project. By positive decision the public funding will be provided for creating this center.
- There is a systematic approach for solving the problem;
- Includes the interaction with representatives of governmental agencies and other interested parties for solving the problem at the system level ("at the root") and etc.
There is a high interest in the project. The last time 433 applications were received. Imagine yourself in the place of the independent expert of the grant committee, who deducts such number of applications. What should be done to make the expert's tired eyes glisten? You should offer a brilliant idea that will glisten from the masses! Do not be lazy; take the time for founding an interesting and innovative ideas. Explore the international experience, the best practice of the systemic solution of various problems; think on possibilities of adapting them into our country. Everyone likes when they are shown an interesting constructive solutions, and governmental agencies are not exclusion.
Do not write a lot. Be precise, and logical. Again, considering the large number of applications, describe your idea briefly but as clearly as possible, so that the evaluator does not have any additional questions.
If you have already participated in the first grant competition and does not received funding, but still consider your idea perfectly consistent with the aims of the program of GGIF, reanalyze it, how you can improve it taking into consideration your received scores and given recommendations, and submit it again.
Application Procedure:
- Fill in Annex 1 - "FORM OF THE CONCEPT" (the form can be downloaded from the website at www.ef-ca.kz and www.ngoexpert.kz, , or requested by e-mail konkurs@ef-ca.org
Send your application to the following email address: konkurs@ef-ca.org with the note:
"Application-ISGG –name of your organization_(select thematic area)”
For example: “ISGG_ Inclusive Education_people with diasbilities”.
- Applications should be sent in Russian or in Kazakh languages.
Since the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia is interested in receiving high-quality applications, the applicants can ask clarifying questions about the procedure and other details of the contest by e-mail konkurs@ef-ca.org or phone +7 (727) 250 18 10.
Working hours of EFCA: from Monday - Friday from 9.00 - 18.00. Lunch time: 12.30 - 13.30
4th September 2015, 18:00 (Astana time)